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Sonntag, 17. Juni 2012

First Manga pages

Yes, I finally did it and finished the first 4 pages of my manga Minu. I know it's not much, but I'm really happy to have made it at all. Here they are:
(By the way, this is only a short pre-story to the original story. It tells of how my main character Minu and her little lovely cat Leelu met. There's also a romance involved, but wait and see. *____*)

Montag, 28. Mai 2012

Working slowly

Cheerio everyone!
I've been wanting to get back to you much earlier and wanted to let you see some of the pictures I took at the FedCon, but, unfortunately, my smartphone has a software problem and I'm really p***ed about that! I only bought it two weeks ago and it's already broken! Rarrrw! It was so expensive!
Anyway, this weekend it was so hot I hardly did anything, so my progress with my manga is really slow, but it's there XD Here you can get an impression of it. Please let me know what you think about it. *___*

Donnerstag, 17. Mai 2012

On my way

Well, guys, I'm on my way to the FedCon in Düsseldorf, Germany, and I'm really excited what it will be like. I'm not really a big fan of Star Trek or Star Wars or any other SciFi series except Gundam (which is probably the closest to SciFi I'll ever get), but some of my friends are and I'll accompany them. I hope to take some good pictures of people in costumes. Until next week...

Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012

Kakao Karten und Buttons - Restbestände - Update II

Für all diejenigen, die noch einige der letzten Karten von der LBM ergattern möchten, hier meine absoluten Restbestände:
Wenn ihr Interesse an einer Karte habt, schreibt mir einfach eine E-Mail an Mulle2@gmx.net

 Die Auflagen sind inzwischen alle ausverkauft und es wird erst wieder neue geben, wenn ich es geschafft habe neue Karten zu zeichnen.
Es sind aber noch wenige Buttons da:
Flattervieh: ausverkauft
pink Bunny: ausverkauft
Halloween Kitteh: noch 3/6
Pingu: ausverkauft
Jeder Button kostet 1,-

Wenn ihr Interesse an etwas habt, schreibt mir eine E-Mail an Mulle2@gmx.net 
Bei Mehrfachkauf gibt es auch Rabatt. Porto kommt dazu.

Montag, 7. Mai 2012


Before I got caught up in the maelstrom of working life I loved looking at my drawings and simply taking in everything I had created. I could spend quite sometime doing that and it made me happy. Sadly, I hadn't had that for a long time. But last week, while the sun was shining into my room I had my work on the carpet and again had that feelig that I am really happy about what I'm doing. So I took a picture. The Lockon fanart wasn't finished yet, but I loved it anyway.
I am also working on a commission for somebody from deviantart. The picture shows two of her characters and I hope she will like it. I love shading the skin parts before everything else. Sometimes I think the picture looks nicer with only the skin coloured than when it is completely finished. oO *weird*

Oh, have you fed my fishes today? Try it, they love a bit of attention!

Freitag, 4. Mai 2012

New design and header

Hey guys,
how do you like my new design and header? I felt like giving my blog a new face so I played around with some of the gadgets. The header shows a detail from one of my older paintings which I really love. It was a birthday present for my father last year.
Oh, and you have to try playing with the little fishes to the right. They will follow your cursor and you can even feed them X_X *love it*

Donnerstag, 3. Mai 2012

New drawings

As I'm still taking some time off from my job I can finally be more creative, which feels really good. It's almost like a therapy. Here are two paintings I just finished.
I had the idea for this one right after the Leipzig Book Fair. I love the hat and I wanted to do something really lovely and shoujo. I want to do more of these in fruity costumes.
This is a fanart of one of my favourite characters: Lockon Stratos from Gundam 00. I love the series and Lockon is just great! I love his charadesign. Unfortunately, like most characters I love, he - careful spoiler- dies oO. The scene is so extremely sad and probably inspired this drawing. The posture of the falling Lockon took me forever and was a complete failure in the beginning. But now I'm really satiesfied with it. I used crayons, copics, pencil and white ink for this one and the same media plus pastel chalk for the one above.

Montag, 30. April 2012

Kakao Karten

Im Moment stehen außerdem ein paar Kakao Karten (Originale und Auflagen), die noch von der LBM übrig geblieben sind, bei mir zum Verkauf. Einige sind schon weg, aber ein paar sind noch da. Falls jemand Interesse hat, hier sind alle wichtigen Details.

Freitag, 27. April 2012

Versteigerung - Auction

For all English people: This is an auction for an original I did for the Leipzig Book Fair. It wasn't won by anybody so you can bid for it now. Simply write me a comment here. The bidding should proceed in 1 Euro steps. At the moment the highest bid is 25 Euros.

Für alle Deutschen: Ihr könnt auch gerne über Kommentare hier in meinem Blog mitsteigern. Alle Angaben findet ihr neben dem Bild.

Mittwoch, 25. April 2012


Another sign of life XD
This is a commission I did for somebody on deviantart. It's her character and I love the steampunk outfit. I did the background with pastel chalks and the character with crayons, copics and pencils.

Montag, 23. April 2012

Back from the deep

Yes, it's been a awefully long time ... again, but sometimes work is killing me and I almost have no time finishing the things I want to finish. Right now, however, I've got enough of work. I want to do soemthing else than just work. Do you understand what I mean? You work and work and work and what do you get? Nothing. So now, it's enough. I want my f***ing life back and a big part of that is drawing and being creative, so that's what I'll do in my freetime which I claim again.
To really get that going I've got a new sketchbook and I'll let you see some of the stuff I've been doing lately. To the left you can see a drawing I did for my dear friend Kai who is a big Fujimoto fan and also has a great costume which he's sometimes wearing to conventions (I love that pink wig!).
Besides, for the German people here: Ich versteigere in meinem Weblog auf mexx gerade das Original, dass ich für die LBM gezeichnet hatte (siehe unten). Vielleicht möchte ja jemand mitbieten! Es würde mich sehr freuen, wenn es einen neuen Besitzer findet, denn ich hatte mich vor der LBM innerlich schon so davon verabschiedet.
In other respects, enjoy this International Day of the Book. I've just finished the second part of the Hunger Games-trilogy and I really liked it. I've also seen the movie. I didn't expect too much, but the very good cast, especially Jennifer Laurence, really made it an awesome movie!
See you soon!

Donnerstag, 15. März 2012

Leipziger Buchmesse - es geht los!!!

So, ihr Lieben, die LBM steht vor der Tür und ich bin in den letzten Zügen zur Vorbereitung. Auch dieses Jahr findet ihr mich gemeinsam mit Nashi, fukosei und kaorie im Doujinshimarkt. Dort könnt ihr euch fleißig ConHon-Einträge abholen. Was genau die kosten, seht ihr hier. Es wird auch eine Tombola geben, bei der ihr Originale von uns gewinnen könnt. Mein Original seht ihr derzeit in meiner Galerie. Ich freue mich sehr, euch dort zu sehen. Bitte sprecht mich doch einfach an und sagt mir euren Namen, denn ich freue mich über jeden Besucher. Bis Freitag, Samstag oder Sonntag!!!!

Dienstag, 13. März 2012

LBM lottery

This is the winner picture for our lottery at the LBM this year. It's again my own character Minu. I hope you like it and I also hope that it will find a loving new owner because it took me almost forever and I always like pictures of my own charas very muchbecause I put a lot of heart into them.

Freitag, 9. März 2012


After I finished my Kakao Card set (see below) I can also upload some more stuff I've been doing lately. (I'm still working on my tutorial and you'll soon get to see some more, so don't worry). Here's a Legolas sketch I did for a very good friend of mine who took care of me while I was sick. She's a great Legolas fan and was really happy I did this for her. That's the best about drawing: If people you care about like what you're doing.

Kakao Karten Set LBM - Minu

Mittwoch, 22. Februar 2012

Kakao Karten Set LBM

Again: German *_____*

Auf der LBM werdet ihr neben Originalkakaos auch ein Auflagenset kaufen können und zwar zu meinen eigenen Charas. Minu kennt ihr vielleicht schon von einigen meiner Artworks und ich arbeite gerade an eiem Kurzmanga zu ihr, von dem ich euch hoffentlich nächste Woche schon ein paar Seiten präsentieren kann.
Die ersten beiden karten des Sets seht ihr hier. Links ist Minu zu sehen und rechts ihre beste Freundin, aber mehr wird noch nicht verraten.

Sonntag, 19. Februar 2012

Tutorial Step 2 and 3

Okay, after several days of a terrible cold (I really hate being sick! It effects you in such a strong way!) here comes the next step of the tutorial:After the light blue sketch I do the real sketch with an ordinary pencil. But this size is still A4 and, as I already told you, I want the final original to be in A3. So now I enlarge the sketch to A3 and transfer it from an ordinary sheet of paper to water colour paper. Et voilá, the second step is done. Although it sounds that easy it's quite unnerving becuase by now I've made the sketch at least four times.
Before I finally start with the colouring I prepare my work place. I use no special water colours but basically everything I have.
As you can see, my sketches are always very light. Sometimes I use ink when working with water colours, but I want the colours to be really vibrant and more natural so I do the outlines only with a pencil. After that I use a water colour pencil for the first layer of skin. When I work like this the area I'm working on always has to be wet to make the colours smooth. The lighter the colours the more water I use, the darker the less. So I work until I'm satisfied with the area, which does not mean that I am completely satisfied, I will always make adjustments while I'm working. But this is basically step 3.

Dienstag, 7. Februar 2012

New live tutorial

Okay, as promised, here comes my new live tutorial. After the disaster with the HP-Mac-incompatability I will try to do it completely without my Macbook and simply use my really old (9 years) Laptop. For this tutorial I will also try something I haven't done for a long time, so it will be a real challenge - and maybe it won't work out at all oO. But let's first see the picture I want to do:Tataa!! *__________* Yeah, I know, you can't see anything, but that's because I usually use a light blue, erasable pencil for the first sketch and my sketches are really light. Sometimes I have problems recognizing anything myself. So here is a processed version which allows you to see the sketch:
I want to finish it for my father's birthday (which is around the middle/end of February). He loves nature, so I added a lot of flowers and I hope it will be really colourful. In my imagination it already looks magnificent- but, well, that's my imagination and a lot of things are happening there that never come true in real life. The next step will be to transfer the outlines from this size,which is A4, to a bigger size because I want the original to be in A3. How that works I'll show you in the next step.

Sonntag, 29. Januar 2012

commissions, trades and STA

I've been mainly doing ACEOs over the last two months because I don't have that much time for anything else. Here are some I've been doing as commissions, trades or for activities on kakao-karten.de.
I hope you like them.

Donnerstag, 26. Januar 2012


Sorry guys, this has to be in German agin.

Diese Kakao Karten versteigere ich gerade in meinem Weblog auf animexx. Falls jemand von euch an der Versteigerung teilnehmen möchte, klickt einfach mal hier rauf.

Sonntag, 22. Januar 2012

Sailor Nostalgia

Cheerio everyone,
I've just finished this drawing of Sailor Jupiter. I did the outlines quite a while ago and had already started the coloration. However, I really didn't like it. It was simply too dark and Jupiter is my favourite soldier, so I did it again with basically no real, strong outlines.
I was always interested in the idea what the soldiers might have become in later lifeand I think Makoto would definitely have opened her own café. So this shows her maid outfit. She'd do her own cakes and biscuits and sell them to a lot of happy customers. About a year or so ago I also did Minako. I know some may not like the idea of showing her that way, but she's the Goddess of Love and she's simply beautiful, AND all the important parts are covered. *________*

Samstag, 14. Januar 2012

More ACEOs for the LBM

Even though I'm busy, I'm trying to do more ACEOs for the LBM. Here are some of them:

Donnerstag, 5. Januar 2012

Preparing for the LBM

As I am planning to do a new calendar for next year I thought I should try to get some of the money for the printing with ACEOs at the LBM. In Germany, printing things on your own in a small number is pretty expensive so I thought I'd better start saving some money for it now. If you are at the LBM you can purchase some of these ACEOs. I'll do some more in the following months.

Montag, 2. Januar 2012

Happy New Year!!!

A happy new year to all of you!!! I hope you had some great holidays and are now back at work with a lot of energy. I'm currently renovating my flat so there's a lot of work to do. Tomorrow it's back to university for me. I still need to prepare my seminars. Hopefully, I'll be able to answer all my students' questions oO There are some more new drawings I did and I hope you'll like them. Some are commissions for various people. I hope you will keep watching my blog this year. A lot of things will happen. The first convention will be the Leipzig Book Fair in March.