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Montag, 3. Juni 2013

Signs of Life

Hello everyone!

Wow, can you believe it has almost been a year since last I posted anything here? Well, sometimes you just need some time for other things and that's also the reason for the long time of absence from my blog. However, I am back and will more or less frequently start posting again. I will upload some of the work I did inbetween later this week. Until then please have a look at my deviantart page, where you can find most of my new paintings and drawings.

Thanks for all the people who wrote comments and emails to me. I am sorry I couldn't answer all of you, but I will try to catch up with the flood of emails.

However, I think that a lot of people are shy about writing comments or at least that is what I got from your emails. Please don't be! I am happy about every comment and will try to answer all of them.


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